Source code for petab.visualize.plotting_config

"""Plotting config"""
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
import warnings

from ..C import *

# TODO: delete this file

[docs]def plot_lowlevel(plot_spec: pd.Series, ax: 'matplotlib.pyplot.Axes', conditions: pd.Series, ms: pd.DataFrame, plot_sim: bool) -> 'matplotlib.pyplot.Axes': """ Plotting routine / preparations: set properties of figure and plot the data with given specifications (lineplot with errorbars, or barplot) Parameters: plot_spec: contains defined data format (visualization file) ax: axes to which to plot conditions: Values on x-axis ms: contains measurement data which should be plotted plot_sim: tells whether or not simulated data should be plotted as well Returns: Updated axis object. """ warnings.warn("This function will be removed in future releases. ", DeprecationWarning) # set yScale if plot_spec[Y_SCALE] == LIN: ax.set_yscale("linear") elif plot_spec[Y_SCALE] == LOG10: ax.set_yscale("log") elif plot_spec[Y_SCALE] == LOG: ax.set_yscale("log", basey=np.e) # add yOffset ms.loc[:, 'mean'] = ms['mean'] + plot_spec[Y_OFFSET] ms.loc[:, 'repl'] = ms['repl'] + plot_spec[Y_OFFSET] if plot_sim: ms.loc[:, 'sim'] = ms['sim'] + plot_spec[Y_OFFSET] # set type of noise if plot_spec[PLOT_TYPE_DATA] == MEAN_AND_SD: noise_col = 'sd' elif plot_spec[PLOT_TYPE_DATA] == MEAN_AND_SEM: noise_col = 'sem' elif plot_spec[PLOT_TYPE_DATA] == PROVIDED: noise_col = 'noise_model' if plot_spec.plotTypeSimulation == LINE_PLOT: # set xScale if plot_spec[X_SCALE] == LIN: ax.set_xscale("linear") elif plot_spec[X_SCALE] == LOG10: ax.set_xscale("log") elif plot_spec[X_SCALE] == LOG: ax.set_xscale("log", basex=np.e) # equidistant elif plot_spec[X_SCALE] == 'order': ax.set_xscale("linear") # check if conditions are monotone decreasing or increasing if np.all(np.diff(conditions) < 0): # monot. decreasing xlabel = conditions[::-1] # reversing conditions = range(len(conditions))[::-1] # reversing ax.set_xticks(range(len(conditions)), xlabel) elif np.all(np.diff(conditions) > 0): xlabel = conditions conditions = range(len(conditions)) ax.set_xticks(range(len(conditions)), xlabel) else: raise ValueError('Error: x-conditions do not coincide, ' 'some are mon. increasing, some monotonically' ' decreasing') # add xOffset conditions = conditions + plot_spec[X_OFFSET] # plotting all measurement data label_base = plot_spec[LEGEND_ENTRY] if plot_spec[PLOT_TYPE_DATA] == REPLICATE: p = ax.plot( conditions[conditions.index.values], ms.repl[ms.repl.index.values], 'x', label=label_base ) # construct errorbar-plots: noise specified above else: # sort index for the case that indices of conditions and # measurements differ if indep_var='time', conditions is a numpy # array, for indep_var=observable its a Series if isinstance(conditions, np.ndarray): conditions.sort() elif isinstance(conditions, pd.core.series.Series): conditions.sort_index(inplace=True) else: raise ValueError('Strange: conditions object is neither numpy' ' nor series...') ms.sort_index(inplace=True) # sorts according to ascending order of conditions scond, smean, snoise = \ zip(*sorted(zip(conditions, ms['mean'], ms[noise_col]))) p = ax.errorbar( scond, smean, snoise, linestyle='-.', marker='.', label=label_base ) # construct simulation plot colors = p[0].get_color() if plot_sim: xs, ys = zip(*sorted(zip(conditions, ms['sim']))) ax.plot( xs, ys, linestyle='-', marker='o', label=label_base + " simulation", color=colors ) # construct bar plot elif plot_spec[PLOT_TYPE_SIMULATION] == BAR_PLOT: x_name = plot_spec[LEGEND_ENTRY] if plot_sim: bar_kwargs = { 'align': 'edge', 'width': -1/3, } else: bar_kwargs = { 'align': 'center', 'width': 2/3, } p =, ms['mean'], yerr=ms[noise_col], color=sns.color_palette()[0], **bar_kwargs) if plot_sim: colors = p[0].get_facecolor() bar_kwargs['width'] = -bar_kwargs['width'], ms['sim'], color='white', edgecolor=colors, **bar_kwargs) # construct scatter plot elif plot_spec[PLOT_TYPE_SIMULATION] == SCATTER_PLOT: if not plot_sim: raise NotImplementedError('Scatter plots do not work without' ' simulation data') ax.scatter(ms['mean'], ms['sim'], label=plot_spec[LEGEND_ENTRY]) ax = square_plot_equal_ranges(ax) # show 'e' as basis not 2.7... in natural log scale cases def ticks(y, _): return r'$e^{{{:.0f}}}$'.format(np.log(y)) if plot_spec[X_SCALE] == LOG: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FuncFormatter(ticks)) if plot_spec[Y_SCALE] == LOG: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FuncFormatter(ticks)) # set further plotting/layout settings if not plot_spec[PLOT_TYPE_SIMULATION] == BAR_PLOT: ax.legend() ax.set_title(plot_spec[PLOT_NAME]) ax.relim() ax.autoscale_view() return ax
[docs]def square_plot_equal_ranges( ax: 'matplotlib.pyplot.Axes', lim: Optional[Union[List, Tuple]] = None) -> 'matplotlib.pyplot.Axes': """ Square plot with equal range for scatter plots Returns: Updated axis object. """ warnings.warn("This function will be removed in future releases. ", DeprecationWarning) ax.axis('square') if lim is None: xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() lim = [np.min([xlim[0], ylim[0]]), np.max([xlim[1], ylim[1]])] ax.set_xlim(lim) ax.set_ylim(lim) # Same tick mark on x and y ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ax.xaxis.get_major_locator()) return ax