Source code for petab.sampling

"""Functions related to parameter sampling"""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from typing import Tuple

from . import parameters
from .C import *  # noqa: F403

__all__ = ['sample_from_prior', 'sample_parameter_startpoints']

[docs]def sample_from_prior(prior: Tuple[str, list, str, list], n_starts: int) -> np.array: """Creates samples for one parameter based on prior Arguments: prior: A tuple as obtained from ``petab.parameter.get_priors_from_df`` n_starts: Number of samples Returns: Array with sampled values """ # unpack info p_type, p_params, scaling, bounds = prior # define a function to rescale the sampled points to parameter scale def scale(x): if scaling == LIN: return x if scaling == LOG: return np.log(x) if scaling == LOG10: return np.log10(x) raise NotImplementedError( f"Parameter priors on the parameter scale {scaling} are " "currently not implemented.") def clip_to_bounds(x: np.array): """Clip values in array x to bounds""" x = np.maximum(np.minimum(scale(bounds[1]), x), scale(bounds[0])) return x # define lambda functions for each parameter if p_type == UNIFORM: sp = scale((p_params[1] - p_params[0]) * np.random.random(( n_starts,)) + p_params[0]) elif p_type == PARAMETER_SCALE_UNIFORM: sp = (p_params[1] - p_params[0]) * np.random.random((n_starts, )) + p_params[0] elif p_type == NORMAL: sp = scale(np.random.normal(loc=p_params[0], scale=p_params[1], size=(n_starts,))) elif p_type == LOG_NORMAL: sp = scale(np.exp(np.random.normal( loc=p_params[0], scale=p_params[1], size=(n_starts,)))) elif p_type == PARAMETER_SCALE_NORMAL: sp = np.random.normal(loc=p_params[0], scale=p_params[1], size=(n_starts,)) elif p_type == LAPLACE: sp = scale(np.random.laplace( loc=p_params[0], scale=p_params[1], size=(n_starts,))) elif p_type == LOG_LAPLACE: sp = scale(np.exp(np.random.laplace( loc=p_params[0], scale=p_params[1], size=(n_starts,)))) elif p_type == PARAMETER_SCALE_LAPLACE: sp = np.random.laplace(loc=p_params[0], scale=p_params[1], size=(n_starts,)) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Parameter priors of type {prior[0]} are not implemented.") return clip_to_bounds(sp)
[docs]def sample_parameter_startpoints(parameter_df: pd.DataFrame, n_starts: int = 100, seed: int = None) -> np.array: """Create numpy.array with starting points for an optimization Arguments: parameter_df: PEtab parameter DataFrame n_starts: Number of points to be sampled seed: Random number generator seed (see numpy.random.seed) Returns: Array of sampled starting points with dimensions n_startpoints x n_optimization_parameters """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) # get types and parameters of priors from dataframe prior_list = parameters.get_priors_from_df( parameter_df, mode=INITIALIZATION) startpoints = [sample_from_prior(prior, n_starts) for prior in prior_list] return np.array(startpoints).T