Source code for petab.visualize.plotting

"""PEtab visualization data selection and visualization settings classes"""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from .helper_functions import (generate_dataset_id_col,
from .. import measurements, core, conditions
from ..problem import Problem
from ..C import *
from numbers import Number, Real
import warnings

__all__ = ['DataSeries', 'DataPlot', 'Subplot', 'Figure', 'DataProvider',

# for typehints
IdsList = List[str]
NumList = List[int]

# also for type hints
# TODO: split into dataplot and subplot level dicts?
# TODO: add when only python>=3.8 is supported
# class VisDict(TypedDict):
#     PLOT_NAME: str
#     PLOT_TYPE_DATA: str
#     X_VALUES: str
#     X_OFFSET: List[Number]
#     X_LABEL: str
#     X_SCALE: str
#     Y_VALUES: List[str]
#     Y_OFFSET: List[Number]
#     Y_LABEL: str
#     Y_SCALE: str
#     LEGEND_ENTRY: List[Number]
#     DATASET_ID: List[str]

[docs]class DataSeries: """ Data for one individual line """ def __init__(self, conditions_: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series]], data_to_plot: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None): self.data_to_plot = data_to_plot self.data_to_plot.sort_index(inplace=True) self.conditions = conditions_ # sort index for the case that indices of conditions and # measurements differ if indep_var='time', conditions is a # numpy array, for indep_var=observable its a Series if isinstance(self.conditions, np.ndarray): self.conditions.sort() elif isinstance(self.conditions, pd.Series): self.conditions.sort_index(inplace=True)
[docs] def add_x_offset(self, offset) -> None: """ Offset for the independent variable. Parameters ---------- offset: Offset value. """ if self.conditions is not None: self.conditions += offset
def add_y_offset(self, offset): self.data_to_plot['mean'] = \ self.data_to_plot['mean'] + offset self.data_to_plot['repl'] = \ self.data_to_plot['repl'] + offset
[docs] def add_offsets(self, x_offset=0, y_offset=0) -> None: """ Data offsets. Parameters ---------- x_offset: Offset for the independent variable. y_offset: Offsets for the observable. """ self.add_x_offset(x_offset) self.add_y_offset(y_offset)
[docs]class DataPlot: """ Visualization specification of a plot of one data series, e.g. for an individual line on a subplot. """ def __init__(self, plot_settings: dict): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- plot_settings: A plot spec for one dataplot (only VISUALIZATION_DF_SINGLE_PLOT_LEVEL_COLS) """ for key, val in plot_settings.items(): setattr(self, key, val) if DATASET_ID not in vars(self): raise ValueError(f'{DATASET_ID} must be specified') if X_VALUES not in vars(self): # TODO: singular? setattr(self, X_VALUES, TIME) if X_OFFSET not in vars(self): setattr(self, X_OFFSET, 0) if Y_VALUES not in vars(self): setattr(self, Y_VALUES, '') if Y_OFFSET not in vars(self): setattr(self, Y_OFFSET, 0.) if LEGEND_ENTRY not in vars(self): setattr(self, LEGEND_ENTRY, getattr(self, DATASET_ID)) @classmethod def from_df(cls, plot_spec: pd.DataFrame): vis_spec_dict = plot_spec.to_dict() return cls(vis_spec_dict)
[docs]class Subplot: """ Visualization specification of a subplot. """ def __init__(self, plot_id: str, plot_settings: dict, dataplots: Optional[List[DataPlot]] = None): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- plot_id: Plot ID. plot_settings: Plot spec for a subplot (only VISUALIZATION_DF_SUBPLOT_LEVEL_COLS). dataplots: A list of data plots that should be plotted on one subplot. """ # parameters of a specific subplot setattr(self, PLOT_ID, plot_id) for key, val in plot_settings.items(): setattr(self, key, val) if PLOT_NAME not in vars(self): setattr(self, PLOT_NAME, '') if PLOT_TYPE_SIMULATION not in vars(self): setattr(self, PLOT_TYPE_SIMULATION, LINE_PLOT) if PLOT_TYPE_DATA not in vars(self): setattr(self, PLOT_TYPE_DATA, MEAN_AND_SD) if X_LABEL not in vars(self): setattr(self, X_LABEL, TIME) # TODO: getattr(self, X_VALUES) if X_SCALE not in vars(self): setattr(self, X_SCALE, LIN) if Y_LABEL not in vars(self): setattr(self, Y_LABEL, 'values') if Y_SCALE not in vars(self): setattr(self, Y_SCALE, LIN) self.data_plots = dataplots if dataplots is not None else [] self.xlim = None self.ylim = None @classmethod def from_df(cls, plot_id: str, vis_spec: pd.DataFrame, dataplots: Optional[List[DataPlot]] = None): vis_spec_dict = {} for col in vis_spec: if col in VISUALIZATION_DF_SUBPLOT_LEVEL_COLS: entry = vis_spec.loc[:, col] entry = np.unique(entry) if entry.size > 1: warnings.warn(f'For {PLOT_ID} {plot_id} in column ' f'{col} contradictory settings ({entry})' f'. Proceeding with first entry ' f'({entry[0]}).') entry = entry[0] # check if values are allowed if col in [Y_SCALE, X_SCALE] and entry not in \ OBSERVABLE_TRANSFORMATIONS: raise ValueError(f'{X_SCALE} and {Y_SCALE} have to be ' f'one of the following: ' + ', '.join(OBSERVABLE_TRANSFORMATIONS)) elif col == PLOT_TYPE_DATA and entry not in \ PLOT_TYPES_DATA: raise ValueError(f'{PLOT_TYPE_DATA} has to be one of the ' f'following: ' + ', '.join(PLOT_TYPES_DATA)) elif col == PLOT_TYPE_SIMULATION and entry not in \ PLOT_TYPES_SIMULATION: raise ValueError(f'{PLOT_TYPE_SIMULATION} has to be one of' f' the following: ' + ', '.join(PLOT_TYPES_DATA)) # append new entry to dict vis_spec_dict[col] = entry else: warnings.warn(f'Column {col} cannot be used to specify subplot' f', only settings from the following columns can' f' be used:' + ', '.join(VISUALIZATION_DF_SUBPLOT_LEVEL_COLS)) return cls(plot_id, vis_spec_dict, dataplots)
[docs] def add_dataplot(self, dataplot: DataPlot) -> None: """ Add data plot. Parameters ---------- dataplot: Data plot visualization settings. """ self.data_plots.append(dataplot)
[docs] def set_axes_limits(self, xlim: Optional[Tuple[Optional[Real], Optional[Real]]] = None, ylim: Optional[Tuple[Optional[Real], Optional[Real]]] = None): """ Set axes limits for all subplots. If xlim or ylim or any of the tuple items is None, corresponding limit is left unchanged. Parameters ---------- xlim: X axis limits. ylim: Y axis limits. """ self.xlim = xlim self.ylim = ylim
[docs]class Figure: """ Visualization specification of a figure. Contains information regarding how data should be visualized. """ def __init__(self, subplots: Optional[List[Subplot]] = None, size: Tuple = (20, 15), title: Optional[Tuple] = None): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- subplots: A list of visualization specifications for each subplot size: Figure size title: Figure title """ # TODO: Isensee measurements table in doc/examples doesn't correspond # to documentation: observableTransformation and # noiseDistribution columns replicateId problem # TODO: Should we put in the documentation which combination of fields # must be unique in the measurement table and add such check? # obs_id + sim_cond_id + preeq_cod_id (if exists) + time + # replicate_id (if exists)? self.size = size self.title = title self.subplots = subplots if subplots is not None else [] @property def num_subplots(self) -> int: return len(self.subplots)
[docs] def add_subplot(self, subplot: Subplot) -> None: """ Add subplot. Parameters ---------- subplot: Subplot visualization settings. """ self.subplots.append(subplot)
[docs] def set_axes_limits(self, xlim: Optional[Tuple[Optional[Real], Optional[Real]]] = None, ylim: Optional[Tuple[Optional[Real], Optional[Real]]] = None) -> None: """ Set axes limits for all subplots. If xlim or ylim or any of the tuple items is None, corresponding limit is left unchanged. Parameters ---------- xlim: X axis limits. ylim: Y axis limits. """ for subplot in self.subplots: subplot.set_axes_limits(xlim, ylim)
[docs] def save_to_tsv(self, output_file_path: str = 'visuSpec.tsv') -> None: """ Save full Visualization specification table. Note that datasetId column in the resulting table might have been generated even though datasetId column in Measurement table is missing or is different. Please, correct it manually. Parameters ---------- output_file_path: File path to which the generated visualization specification is saved. """ # TODO: what if datasetIds were generated? warnings.warn(f'Note: please check that {DATASET_ID} column ' f'corresponds to {DATASET_ID} column in Measurement ' f'(Simulation) table.') visu_dict = {} for subplot in self.subplots: subplot_level = {key: subplot.__dict__[key] for key in subplot.__dict__ if key in VISUALIZATION_DF_SUBPLOT_LEVEL_COLS} for dataplot in subplot.data_plots: dataset_level = {key: dataplot.__dict__[key] for key in dataplot.__dict__ if key in VISUALIZATION_DF_SINGLE_PLOT_LEVEL_COLS} row = {**subplot_level, **dataset_level} for key in row: if key in visu_dict: visu_dict[key].append(row[key]) else: visu_dict[key] = [row[key]] visu_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(visu_dict) visu_df.to_csv(output_file_path, sep='\t', index=False)
[docs]class DataProvider: """ Handles data selection. """ def __init__(self, exp_conditions: pd.DataFrame, measurements_data: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, simulations_data: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None): self.conditions_data = exp_conditions if measurements_data is None and simulations_data is None: raise TypeError('Not enough arguments. Either measurements_data ' 'or simulations_data should be provided.') self.measurements_data = measurements_data self.simulations_data = simulations_data
[docs] @staticmethod def _matches_plot_spec(df: pd.DataFrame, plot_spec: 'DataPlot', dataset_id) -> pd.Series: """ Construct an index for subsetting of the dataframe according to what is specified in plot_spec. Parameters ---------- df: A pandas data frame to subset, can be from measurement file or simulation file. plot_spec: A visualization spec from the visualization file. Returns ------- Boolean series that can be used for subsetting of the passed dataframe """ subset = ( (df[DATASET_ID] == dataset_id) ) if getattr(plot_spec, Y_VALUES) == '': if len(df.loc[subset, OBSERVABLE_ID].unique()) > 1: ValueError( f'{Y_VALUES} must be specified in visualization table if ' f'multiple different observables are available.' ) else: subset &= (df[OBSERVABLE_ID] == getattr(plot_spec, Y_VALUES)) return subset
[docs] def _get_independent_var_values(self, data_df: pd.DataFrame, dataplot: DataPlot ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, str, pd.Series]: """ Get independent variable values. Parameters ---------- data_df: A pandas data frame to subset, can be from measurement file or simulation file. dataplot: Data plot visualization settings. Returns ------- col_name_unique: A name of the column from Measurement (Simulation) table, which specifies independent variable values (depends on the xValues entry of visualization specification). Possible values: * TIME (independent variable values will be taken from the TIME column of Measurement (Simulation) table) * SIMULATION_CONDITION_ID (independent variable values will be taken from one of the columns of Condition table) uni_condition_id: Time points or contains all unique condition IDs which should be plotted together as one dataplot. Independent variable values will be collected for these conditions conditions_: An independent variable values or None for the BarPlot case possible values: time points, None, vales of independent variable (Parameter or Species, specified in the xValues entry of visualization specification) for each condition_id in uni_condition_id """ indep_var = getattr(dataplot, X_VALUES) dataset_id = getattr(dataplot, DATASET_ID) single_m_data = data_df[self._matches_plot_spec( data_df, dataplot, dataset_id)] # gather simulationConditionIds belonging to datasetId uni_condition_id, uind = np.unique( single_m_data[SIMULATION_CONDITION_ID], return_index=True) # keep the ordering which was given by user from top to bottom # (avoid ordering by names '1','10','11','2',...)' uni_condition_id = uni_condition_id[np.argsort(uind)] col_name_unique = SIMULATION_CONDITION_ID if indep_var == TIME: # obtain unique observation times uni_condition_id = single_m_data[TIME].unique() col_name_unique = TIME conditions_ = uni_condition_id elif indep_var == 'condition': conditions_ = None else: # indep_var = parameterOrStateId case ? # extract conditions (plot input) from condition file ind_cond = self.conditions_data.index.isin(uni_condition_id) conditions_ = self.conditions_data[ind_cond][indep_var] return uni_condition_id, col_name_unique, conditions_
[docs] def get_data_series(self, data_df: pd.DataFrame, data_col: str, dataplot: DataPlot, provided_noise: bool) -> DataSeries: """ Get data to plot from measurement or simulation DataFrame. Parameters ---------- data_df: measurement or simulation DataFrame data_col: data column, i.e. 'measurement' or 'simulation' dataplot: visualization specification provided_noise: True if numeric values for the noise level are provided in the data table Returns ------- Data to plot """ uni_condition_id, col_name_unique, conditions_ = \ self._get_independent_var_values(data_df, dataplot) dataset_id = getattr(dataplot, DATASET_ID) # get data subset selected based on provided dataset_id # and observable_ids single_m_data = data_df[self._matches_plot_spec( data_df, dataplot, dataset_id)] # create empty dataframe for means and SDs measurements_to_plot = pd.DataFrame( columns=['mean', 'noise_model', 'sd', 'sem', 'repl'], index=uni_condition_id ) for var_cond_id in uni_condition_id: subset = (single_m_data[col_name_unique] == var_cond_id) # what has to be plotted is selected data_measurements = single_m_data.loc[ subset, data_col ] # TODO: all this rather inside DataSeries? # process the data[var_cond_id, 'mean'] = np.mean( data_measurements)[var_cond_id, 'sd'] = np.std( data_measurements) if provided_noise and np.any(subset): if len(single_m_data.loc[ subset, NOISE_PARAMETERS].unique()) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( f"Datapoints with inconsistent {NOISE_PARAMETERS} " f"is currently not implemented. Stopping.") tmp_noise = \ single_m_data.loc[subset, NOISE_PARAMETERS].values[0] if isinstance(tmp_noise, str): raise NotImplementedError( "No numerical noise values provided in the " "measurement table. Stopping.") if isinstance(tmp_noise, Number) or \ tmp_noise.dtype == 'float64':[ var_cond_id, 'noise_model'] = tmp_noise # standard error of mean[var_cond_id, 'sem'] = \ np.std(data_measurements) / np.sqrt( len(data_measurements)) # single replicates[var_cond_id, 'repl'] = \ data_measurements.values data_series = DataSeries(conditions_, measurements_to_plot) data_series.add_offsets(dataplot.xOffset, dataplot.yOffset) return data_series
[docs] def get_data_to_plot(self, dataplot: DataPlot, provided_noise: bool ) -> Tuple[DataSeries, DataSeries]: """ Get data to plot. Parameters ---------- dataplot: visualization specification provided_noise: True if numeric values for the noise level are provided in the measurement table Returns ----------- measurements_to_plot, simulations_to_plot """ measurements_to_plot = None simulations_to_plot = None if self.measurements_data is not None: measurements_to_plot = self.get_data_series(self.measurements_data, MEASUREMENT, dataplot, provided_noise) if self.simulations_data is not None: simulations_to_plot = self.get_data_series(self.simulations_data, SIMULATION, dataplot, provided_noise) return measurements_to_plot, simulations_to_plot
[docs]class VisSpecParser: """ Parser of visualization specification provided by user either in the form of Visualization table or as a list of lists with datasets ids or observable ids or condition ids. Figure instance is created containing information regarding how data should be visualized. In addition to the Figure instance, a DataProvider instance is created that will be responsible for the data selection and manipulation. """ def __init__(self, conditions_data: Union[str, pd.DataFrame], exp_data: Optional[Union[str, pd.DataFrame]] = None, sim_data: Optional[Union[str, pd.DataFrame]] = None, ): if isinstance(conditions_data, str): conditions_data = conditions.get_condition_df(conditions_data) # import from file in case experimental data is provided in file if isinstance(exp_data, str): exp_data = measurements.get_measurement_df(exp_data) if isinstance(sim_data, str): sim_data = core.get_simulation_df(sim_data) if exp_data is None and sim_data is None: raise TypeError('Not enough arguments. Either measurements_data ' 'or simulations_data should be provided.') self.conditions_data = conditions_data self.measurements_data = exp_data self.simulations_data = sim_data @classmethod def from_problem(cls, petab_problem: Problem, sim_data): return cls(petab_problem.condition_df, petab_problem.measurement_df, sim_data) @property def _data_df(self): return self.measurements_data if self.measurements_data is not \ None else self.simulations_data
[docs] @staticmethod def create_subplot(plot_id: str, subplot_vis_spec: pd.DataFrame) -> Subplot: """ Create subplot. Parameters ---------- plot_id: Plot id. subplot_vis_spec: A visualization specification DataFrame that contains specification for the subplot and corresponding dataplots. Returns ------- Subplot """ subplot_columns = [col for col in subplot_vis_spec.columns if col in VISUALIZATION_DF_SUBPLOT_LEVEL_COLS] subplot = Subplot.from_df(plot_id, subplot_vis_spec.loc[:, subplot_columns]) dataplot_cols = [col for col in subplot_vis_spec.columns if col in VISUALIZATION_DF_SINGLE_PLOT_LEVEL_COLS] dataplot_spec = subplot_vis_spec.loc[:, dataplot_cols] for _, row in dataplot_spec.iterrows(): data_plot = DataPlot.from_df(row) subplot.add_dataplot(data_plot) return subplot
[docs] def parse_from_vis_spec(self, vis_spec: Optional[Union[str, pd.DataFrame]], ) -> Tuple[Figure, DataProvider]: """ Get visualization settings from a visualization specification. Parameters ---------- vis_spec: Visualization specification DataFrame in the PEtab format or a path to a visualization file. Returns ------- A figure template with visualization settings and a data provider """ # import visualization specification, if file was specified if isinstance(vis_spec, str): vis_spec = core.get_visualization_df(vis_spec) if DATASET_ID not in vis_spec.columns: self._add_dataset_id_col() vis_spec = self._expand_vis_spec_settings(vis_spec) else: if self.measurements_data is not None \ and DATASET_ID not in self.measurements_data: raise ValueError(f"grouping by datasetId was requested, but " f"{DATASET_ID} column is missing from " f"measurement table") if self.simulations_data is not None \ and DATASET_ID not in self.simulations_data: raise ValueError(f"grouping by datasetId was requested, but " f"{DATASET_ID} column is missing from " f"simulation table") figure = Figure() # get unique plotIDs preserving the order from the original vis spec _, idx = np.unique(vis_spec[PLOT_ID], return_index=True) plot_ids = vis_spec[PLOT_ID].iloc[np.sort(idx)] # loop over unique plotIds for plot_id in plot_ids: # get indices for specific plotId ind_plot = (vis_spec[PLOT_ID] == plot_id) subplot = self.create_subplot(plot_id, vis_spec[ind_plot]) figure.add_subplot(subplot) return figure, DataProvider(self.conditions_data, self.measurements_data, self.simulations_data)
[docs] def parse_from_id_list(self, ids_per_plot: Optional[List[IdsList]] = None, group_by: str = 'observable', plotted_noise: Optional[str] = MEAN_AND_SD ) -> Tuple[Figure, DataProvider]: """ Get visualization settings from a list of ids and a grouping parameter. Parameters ---------- ids_per_plot: A list of lists. Each sublist corresponds to a plot, each subplot contains the Ids of datasets or observables or simulation conditions for this plot. e.g. :: dataset_ids_per_plot = [['dataset_1', 'dataset_2'], ['dataset_1', 'dataset_4', 'dataset_5']] or :: cond_id_list = [['model1_data1'], ['model1_data2', 'model1_data3'], ['model1_data4', 'model1_data5'], ['model1_data6']]. group_by: Grouping type. Possible values: 'dataset', 'observable', 'simulation'. plotted_noise: String indicating how noise should be visualized: ['MeanAndSD' (default), 'MeanAndSEM', 'replicate', 'provided']. Returns ------- A figure template with visualization settings and a data provider """ if ids_per_plot is None: # this is the default case. If no grouping is specified, # all observables are plotted. One observable per plot. unique_obs_list = self._data_df[OBSERVABLE_ID].unique() ids_per_plot = [[obs_id] for obs_id in unique_obs_list] if group_by == 'dataset' and DATASET_ID not in self._data_df: raise ValueError(f"grouping by datasetId was requested, but " f"{DATASET_ID} column is missing from data table") if group_by != 'dataset': # datasetId_list will be created (possibly overwriting previous # list - only in the local variable, not in the tsv-file) self._add_dataset_id_col() columns_dict = self._get_vis_spec_dependent_columns_dict( group_by, ids_per_plot) columns_dict[PLOT_TYPE_DATA] = [plotted_noise]*len( columns_dict[DATASET_ID]) vis_spec_df = pd.DataFrame(columns_dict) return self.parse_from_vis_spec(vis_spec_df)
[docs] def _add_dataset_id_col(self) -> None: """ Add dataset_id column to the measurement table and simulations table (possibly overwrite). """ if self.measurements_data is not None: if DATASET_ID in self.measurements_data.columns: self.measurements_data = self.measurements_data.drop( DATASET_ID, axis=1) self.measurements_data.insert( loc=self.measurements_data.columns.size, column=DATASET_ID, value=generate_dataset_id_col(self.measurements_data)) if self.simulations_data is not None: if DATASET_ID in self.simulations_data.columns: self.simulations_data = self.simulations_data.drop(DATASET_ID, axis=1) self.simulations_data.insert( loc=self.simulations_data.columns.size, column=DATASET_ID, value=generate_dataset_id_col(self.simulations_data))
[docs] def _get_vis_spec_dependent_columns_dict( self, group_by: str, id_list: Optional[List[IdsList]] = None ) -> Dict: """ Helper method for creating values for columns PLOT_ID, DATASET_ID, LEGEND_ENTRY, Y_VALUES for visualization specification file. Parameters ---------- group_by: Grouping type. Possible values: 'dataset', 'observable', 'simulation'. id_list: Grouping list. Each sublist corresponds to a subplot and contains the Ids of datasets or observables or simulation conditions for this subplot. Returns ------- A dictionary with values for columns PLOT_ID, DATASET_ID, \ LEGEND_ENTRY, Y_VALUES for visualization specification. """ if group_by != 'dataset': dataset_id_list = create_dataset_id_list_new(self._data_df, group_by, id_list) else: dataset_id_list = id_list dataset_id_column = [i_dataset for sublist in dataset_id_list for i_dataset in sublist] dataset_label_column = [self._create_legend(i_dataset) for sublist in dataset_id_list for i_dataset in sublist] # such dataset ids were generated that each dataset_id always # corresponds to one observable yvalues_column = [self._data_df.loc[self._data_df[DATASET_ID] == dataset_id, OBSERVABLE_ID].iloc[0] for sublist in dataset_id_list for dataset_id in sublist] # get number of plots and create plotId-lists plot_id_column = ['plot%s' % str(ind + 1) for ind, inner_list in enumerate(dataset_id_list) for _ in inner_list] columns_dict = {PLOT_ID: plot_id_column, DATASET_ID: dataset_id_column, LEGEND_ENTRY: dataset_label_column, Y_VALUES: yvalues_column} return columns_dict
[docs] def _create_legend(self, dataset_id: str) -> str: """ Create a legend for the dataset ids. Parameters ---------- dataset_id: Dataset id. Returns ------- A legend. """ # relies on the fact that dataset ids were created based on cond_ids # and obs_ids. Therefore, in the following query all pairs will be # the same cond_id, obs_id = self._data_df[self._data_df[DATASET_ID] == dataset_id][[SIMULATION_CONDITION_ID, OBSERVABLE_ID]].iloc[0, :] tmp = self.conditions_data.loc[cond_id] if CONDITION_NAME not in tmp.index or \ pd.isna(tmp[CONDITION_NAME]): cond_name = cond_id else: cond_name = tmp[CONDITION_NAME] return cond_name + ' - ' + obs_id
[docs] def _expand_vis_spec_settings(self, vis_spec: pd.DataFrame): """ Expand visualization specification for the case when DATASET_ID is not in vis_spec.columns. Parameters ------- vis_spec: Visualization specification DataFrame in the PEtab format or a path to a visualization file. Returns ------- A visualization specification DataFrame. """ if DATASET_ID in vis_spec.columns: raise ValueError(f"visualization specification expansion is " f"unnecessary if column {DATASET_ID} is present") else: vis_spec_exp = pd.DataFrame() if vis_spec.empty: # in case of empty spec all measurements corresponding to each # observable will be plotted on a separate subplot observable_ids = self._data_df[OBSERVABLE_ID].unique() for idx, obs_id in enumerate(observable_ids): obs_vis_spec = self._vis_spec_rows_for_obs( obs_id, {PLOT_ID: f'plot{idx}'}) vis_spec_exp = vis_spec_exp.append(obs_vis_spec, ignore_index=True) else: for _, row in vis_spec.iterrows(): if Y_VALUES in row: obs_vis_spec = self._vis_spec_rows_for_obs( row[Y_VALUES], row.to_dict()) vis_spec_exp = vis_spec_exp.append(obs_vis_spec, ignore_index=True) else: observable_ids = self._data_df[OBSERVABLE_ID].unique() for obs_id in observable_ids: obs_vis_spec = self._vis_spec_rows_for_obs( obs_id, row.to_dict()) vis_spec_exp = vis_spec_exp.append( obs_vis_spec, ignore_index=True) return vis_spec_exp
[docs] def _vis_spec_rows_for_obs(self, obs_id: str, settings: dict ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create vis_spec for one observable. For each dataset_id corresponding to the observable with the specified id create a vis_spec entry with provided settings. Parameters ---------- obs_id: Observable ID. settings: Additional visualization settings. For each key that is a valid visualization specification column name, the setting will be added to the resulting visualization specification. Returns ------- A visualization specification DataFrame. """ columns_to_expand = [PLOT_ID, PLOT_NAME, PLOT_TYPE_SIMULATION, PLOT_TYPE_DATA, X_VALUES, X_OFFSET, X_LABEL, X_SCALE, Y_OFFSET, Y_LABEL, Y_SCALE, LEGEND_ENTRY] dataset_ids = self._data_df[ self._data_df[OBSERVABLE_ID] == obs_id][DATASET_ID].unique() n_rows = len(dataset_ids) columns_dict = {DATASET_ID: dataset_ids, Y_VALUES: [obs_id] * n_rows} for column in settings: if column in columns_to_expand: columns_dict[column] = [settings[column]] * n_rows if LEGEND_ENTRY not in columns_dict: columns_dict[LEGEND_ENTRY] = \ [self._create_legend(dataset_id) for dataset_id in columns_dict[DATASET_ID]] return pd.DataFrame(columns_dict)