Source code for petab.sbml

"""Functions for interacting with SBML models"""

import contextlib
import logging
from numbers import Number
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn

import libsbml
from import get_handle, is_file_like, is_url

import petab

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = [

[docs] def is_sbml_consistent( sbml_document: libsbml.SBMLDocument, check_units: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Check for SBML validity / consistency Arguments: sbml_document: SBML document to check check_units: Also check for unit-related issues Returns: ``False`` if problems were detected, otherwise ``True`` """ if not check_units: sbml_document.setConsistencyChecks( libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_UNITS_CONSISTENCY, False ) has_problems = sbml_document.checkConsistency() if has_problems: log_sbml_errors(sbml_document) logger.warning( "WARNING: Generated invalid SBML model. Check messages above." ) return not has_problems
[docs] def log_sbml_errors( sbml_document: libsbml.SBMLDocument, minimum_severity=libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_WARNING, ) -> None: """Log libsbml errors Arguments: sbml_document: SBML document to check minimum_severity: Minimum severity level to report (see libsbml documentation) """ severity_to_log_level = { libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_INFO: logging.INFO, libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_WARNING: logging.WARNING, } for error_idx in range(sbml_document.getNumErrors()): error = sbml_document.getError(error_idx) if (severity := error.getSeverity()) >= minimum_severity: category = error.getCategoryAsString() severity_str = error.getSeverityAsString() message = error.getMessage() logger.log( severity_to_log_level.get(severity, logging.ERROR), f"libSBML {severity_str} ({category}): {message}", )
[docs] def globalize_parameters( sbml_model: libsbml.Model, prepend_reaction_id: bool = False, ) -> None: """Turn all local parameters into global parameters with the same properties Local parameters are currently ignored by other PEtab functions. Use this function to convert them to global parameters. There may exist local parameters with identical IDs within different kinetic laws. This is not checked here. If in doubt that local parameter IDs are unique, enable ``prepend_reaction_id`` to create global parameters named ``${reaction_id}_${local_parameter_id}``. Arguments: sbml_model: The SBML model to operate on prepend_reaction_id: Prepend reaction id of local parameter when creating global parameters """ warn( "This function will be removed in future releases.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) for reaction in sbml_model.getListOfReactions(): law = reaction.getKineticLaw() # copy first so we can delete in the following loop local_parameters = list(law.getListOfParameters()) for lp in local_parameters: if prepend_reaction_id: parameter_id = f"{reaction.getId()}_{lp.getId()}" else: parameter_id = lp.getId() # Create global p = sbml_model.createParameter() p.setId(parameter_id) p.setName(lp.getName()) p.setConstant(lp.getConstant()) p.setValue(lp.getValue()) p.setUnits(lp.getUnits()) # removeParameter, not removeLocalParameter! law.removeParameter(lp.getId())
[docs] def get_model_parameters( sbml_model: libsbml.Model, with_values=False ) -> Union[List[str], Dict[str, float]]: """Return SBML model parameters which are not Rule targets Arguments: sbml_model: SBML model with_values: If ``False``, returns list of SBML model parameter IDs which are not Rule targets. If ``True``, returns a dictionary with those parameter IDs as keys and parameter values from the SBML model as values. """ if not with_values: return [ p.getId() for p in sbml_model.getListOfParameters() if sbml_model.getRuleByVariable(p.getId()) is None ] return { p.getId(): p.getValue() for p in sbml_model.getListOfParameters() if sbml_model.getRuleByVariable(p.getId()) is None }
[docs] def write_sbml( sbml_doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument, filename: Union[Path, str] ) -> None: """Write PEtab visualization table Arguments: sbml_doc: SBML document containing the SBML model filename: Destination file name """ sbml_writer = libsbml.SBMLWriter() ret = sbml_writer.writeSBMLToFile(sbml_doc, str(filename)) if not ret: raise RuntimeError( f"libSBML reported error {ret} when trying to " f"create SBML file {filename}." )
[docs] def get_sbml_model( filepath_or_buffer, ) -> Tuple[libsbml.SBMLReader, libsbml.SBMLDocument, libsbml.Model]: """Get an SBML model from file or URL or file handle :param filepath_or_buffer: File or URL or file handle to read the model from :return: The SBML document, model and reader """ if is_file_like(filepath_or_buffer) or is_url(filepath_or_buffer): with get_handle(filepath_or_buffer, mode="r") as io_handle: data = load_sbml_from_string("".join(io_handle.handle)) # URL or already opened file, we will load the model from a string return data return load_sbml_from_file(filepath_or_buffer)
[docs] def load_sbml_from_string( sbml_string: str, ) -> Tuple[libsbml.SBMLReader, libsbml.SBMLDocument, libsbml.Model]: """Load SBML model from string :param sbml_string: Model as XML string :return: The SBML document, model and reader """ sbml_reader = libsbml.SBMLReader() sbml_document = sbml_reader.readSBMLFromString(sbml_string) sbml_model = sbml_document.getModel() return sbml_reader, sbml_document, sbml_model
[docs] def load_sbml_from_file( sbml_file: str, ) -> Tuple[libsbml.SBMLReader, libsbml.SBMLDocument, libsbml.Model]: """Load SBML model from file :param sbml_file: Filename of the SBML file :return: The SBML reader, document, model """ sbml_reader = libsbml.SBMLReader() sbml_document = sbml_reader.readSBML(sbml_file) sbml_model = sbml_document.getModel() return sbml_reader, sbml_document, sbml_model
[docs] def get_model_for_condition( petab_problem: "petab.Problem", sim_condition_id: str = None, preeq_condition_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[libsbml.SBMLDocument, libsbml.Model]: """Create an SBML model for the given condition. Creates a copy of the model and updates parameters according to the PEtab files. Estimated parameters are set to their ``nominalValue``. Observables defined in the observables table are not added to the model. :param petab_problem: PEtab problem :param sim_condition_id: Simulation ``conditionId`` for which to generate a model :param preeq_condition_id: Preequilibration ``conditionId`` of the settings for which to generate a model. This is only used to determine the relevant output parameter overrides. Preequilibration is not encoded in the resulting model. :return: The generated SBML document, and SBML model """ from .models.sbml_model import SbmlModel assert isinstance(petab_problem.model, SbmlModel) condition_dict = {petab.SIMULATION_CONDITION_ID: sim_condition_id} if preeq_condition_id: condition_dict[ petab.PREEQUILIBRATION_CONDITION_ID ] = preeq_condition_id cur_measurement_df = petab.measurements.get_rows_for_condition( measurement_df=petab_problem.measurement_df, condition=condition_dict, ) ( parameter_map, scale_map, ) = petab.parameter_mapping.get_parameter_mapping_for_condition( condition_id=sim_condition_id, is_preeq=False, cur_measurement_df=cur_measurement_df, model=petab_problem.model, condition_df=petab_problem.condition_df, parameter_df=petab_problem.parameter_df, warn_unmapped=True, scaled_parameters=False, fill_fixed_parameters=True, # will only become problematic once the observable and noise terms # are added to the model allow_timepoint_specific_numeric_noise_parameters=True, ) # create a copy of the model sbml_doc = petab_problem.model.sbml_model.getSBMLDocument().clone() sbml_model = sbml_doc.getModel() # fill in parameters def get_param_value(parameter_id: str): """Parameter value from mapping or nominal value""" mapped_value = parameter_map.get(parameter_id) if mapped_value is None: # Handle parametric initial concentrations with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): return petab_problem.parameter_df.loc[ parameter_id, petab.NOMINAL_VALUE ] if not isinstance(mapped_value, str): return mapped_value # estimated parameter, look up in nominal parameters return petab_problem.parameter_df.loc[ mapped_value, petab.NOMINAL_VALUE ] def remove_rules(target_id: str): if sbml_model.removeRuleByVariable(target_id): warn( "An SBML rule was removed to set the component " f"{target_id} to a constant value.", stacklevel=2, ) sbml_model.removeInitialAssignment(target_id) for parameter in sbml_model.getListOfParameters(): new_value = get_param_value(parameter.getId()) if new_value: parameter.setValue(new_value) # remove rules that would override that value remove_rules(parameter.getId()) # set concentrations for any overridden species for component_id in petab_problem.condition_df: sbml_species = sbml_model.getSpecies(component_id) if not sbml_species: continue # remove any rules overriding that species' initials remove_rules(component_id) # set initial concentration/amount new_value = petab.to_float_if_float( petab_problem.condition_df.loc[sim_condition_id, component_id] ) if not isinstance(new_value, Number): # parameter reference in condition table new_value = get_param_value(new_value) if sbml_species.isSetInitialAmount() or ( sbml_species.getHasOnlySubstanceUnits() and not sbml_species.isSetInitialConcentration() ): sbml_species.setInitialAmount(new_value) else: sbml_species.setInitialConcentration(new_value) # set compartment size for any compartments in the condition table for component_id in petab_problem.condition_df: sbml_compartment = sbml_model.getCompartment(component_id) if not sbml_compartment: continue # remove any rules overriding that compartment's size remove_rules(component_id) # set initial concentration/amount new_value = petab.to_float_if_float( petab_problem.condition_df.loc[sim_condition_id, component_id] ) if not isinstance(new_value, Number): # parameter reference in condition table new_value = get_param_value(new_value) sbml_compartment.setSize(new_value) return sbml_doc, sbml_model